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When My Wheelchair Gets Damaged Beyond Repair

Usually, a situation like this would leave me in a very dark place. A few weeks ago, we were in a car accident, and I thank God every day that we’re safe! The back of the car where my chair and lift are located got hit. They hit my poor baby. RIP, Pink Caddilac!

Loved my old wheelchair

To be fair, though, it was never meant to last as long as it did, and I'm very grateful for everything it has given me! I forget what brand it was, but I got it around the pandemic. I can't list all the adjustments that needed to be made to suit me. Adjusting the joystick was the major one because of its height. My physical therapist also realized that I drive a lot better on the left side because my body tends to lean to the right because of the way my rod and my hips are, especially on the right. When we changed the joystick, it was great!

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But eventually, the armrest (which lifted up) got loose, especially on my recent trip to the conference! It wasn't really anyone’s fault at the airline, just putting a bandaid over a bullet hole, honestly. It was bound to break.

My chair was my freedom and comfort

I'm so grateful for everything her and I have done! Because of that chair, I've been able to do my favorite thing: travel! I never realized how much I love to travel but I really do! Sure the airplane seat is uncomfortable, but it's worth it to me. For example, besides this year's conference, I got to fly to see Niall Horan (from THE One Direction!) in Florida, and visited my family last year in Arizona. Travel is SO worth it and I felt so much peace.

I'm so grateful for everything mom, the chair, and I have done together. I am so grateful to have had the chair and it has me thinking about my SMA. What my body really requires, the uniqueness of it.

Not yet eligible for a new chair

As for now, I'm not eligible for a new chair until next year so mom got me one on Amazon and I'm making the best of it. It's not the best but it has a lot of safety features and I'm just grateful that I get to still live my life.

To be honest, things like this absolutely utterly suck. The struggle is so real. And yeah, I was close to a depressive episode.

Stuff like this shouldn't happen. To wait an entire year for a proper chair?

Absolute insanity, but instead of getting upset, I just live moment to moment focusing on the good and making myself feel what’s needed when needed but not living there. It's tough but hey, when I think about my life, I've been through so so much.

I like to think of this truly as a small thing and am grateful for my health and in knowing that ultimately, I am safe (maybe a bit uncomfortable) but ultimately, I will make the most of this because I refuse to be held down.

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