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Can I be

I was hurt on the job in 2018 I was hit in the head by a 250lb beem and after 6 surgerys im left prelized on my left side and some of my in sides like my blader I lost everything I ever knew as a man I can't find any groups to just talk can I talk to you guys are do you know of a group

  1. Hi I am deeply sorry to hear about your accident and that you were so impacted as a result. My heart goes out to you. <3 Our community is centered around those who have been diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy, which is a genetic condition that results in muscle wasting. I included a link to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation - The link I provided has resources, which include peer support groups. I hope this information has what you are looking for. Another option could be reaching out to your medical team and asking if they know of any local/online support groups. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

    1. Hi, I wanted to reach out and see how you were doing? I’m very sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you were able to find some support online! I know Jessica gave you some resources above, but I also wanted to suggested possibly looking for some Facebook groups for people in similar situations. There’s quite a few for people with SMA so I’m sure there’s others! Sending you all the best. -Jennifer (Health Leader)

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