Do you have any recent experiences of having to get creative when there is a lack of assistive equipment, or your circumstances don't allow you to access the equipment that you could use?
If you want to increase the height of your furniture or bed to easily sit down and get up. Cut some high density styrofoam in 5 inch by 5 inch squares. Then stack them and wrap them in cellophane so they do not come undone. Then finally place them under the furnitures legs to increase its height. It is cheap, easily available and gets the job done.
Jennifer Greer Member
Last Updated:
There are also a lot of hard plastic risers that can be found on Amazon or even in stores like Walmart to help aide in raising the level of something. You can usually find them near the home goods section or where they have moving supplies! -Jennifer Contributor
bullet Member
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The hard plastic risers which raises the furnitures by 8 inches are not available in Amazon of other countries, it is easy to hack things together if we could not get it.
Jennifer Greer Member
Last Updated:
I’m so sorry they aren’t available in other countries! I’m glad you’ve managed to find a way to get the job done for you though with the styrofoam risers! -Jennifer Moderator
Jennifer Greer Member
Last Updated:
I was away at my uncles house a few months ago and when we arrived at his house he had gotten wood and a wheelchair ramp kit from Lowe’s and built a small wooden ramp for me to be able to access the first floor of his home, which was nice because we weren’t sure how we were going to get me inside! But I had no idea they sold wheelchair ramp kits like that in the store! -Jennifer Contributor