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I'd Like To Thank My Caregiver For _______________

What would you say to your caregiver? What is something you're most grateful for when it comes to your relationship with them?

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  1. I’m extremely thankful that my caregiver (my husband) puts up with my mood swings, especially at Christmas. It's especially difficult this year with the loss of my father-in-law. He'd adopted me as one of his kids when Mike and I were just dating, so it's been hard to have any Christmas spirit. Mike has been my rock this year too, he kept my spirits up during my Covid ordeal in the hospital.

    1. It sounds like you have such a wonderful caregiver and partner. I know this time of year can be hard - I'm really glad you have such a good support system. I hope you're able to enjoy this holiday season together. All the best, Abby (Team member).

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