FeaturedThank A Healthcare Professional Discussion BoardDo you have a favorite doctors/specialist? Maybe someone who went above and beyond for you during a hospital stay? Give them a shout out and tell us their story....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesHealthcare Team
FeaturedI'd Like To Thank My Caregiver For _______________What would you say to your caregiver? What is something you're most grateful for when it comes to your relationship with them? Start and join the conversation below....Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesHealthcare Team
Your HeroesTell us about the person who has helped you the most as you've navigated living with SMA. Who has been your hero?...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesHealthcare TeamCaregivingFriends & Family
FeaturedDoctors won’t address my smaSo, I was reading my mri report and it says I have mild to moderate paraspinal musculature atrophy. You can clearly see atrophy in my right arm. After bringing it...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesHealthcare TeamSymptomsTesting