Girl you are, "fearfully and wonderfully made," never let anyone tell you different.
To continue being your confidence self, never allowing anyone to second-guess you or tell you what you can and cannot do. Just remember, that doctor that told your parents that you would not live long or would not walk or do anything. Boy do, I wish he was alive today to show him how wrong he was because I've had such a successful life. Very productive did everything and anything I wanted to do and I never allowed anything to stop me from anything I set my heart to. I've been working at the same company for 33 years, how many people can say that they have done something like this without a disability , Goes to show disability is not a bad word! It stops us from doing nothing. Actually it makes us push stronger and further forward . One of my mottos has always been, leave no stone unturned or let grass grow under my tires.
One of my dreams has always been to model and I have done that three times so far in three different shows, two in New York and one in Philly because I've always believed the
"Runway was made to stroll on as well as rolled on"
That's my personal motto.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Ortiz
Aka queen_on_a_rolling_throne