My son started developing a weak grip about 16 months ago . He said when he was lifting weights at rowing training he couldn’t get a grip and his hand ‘would slip off’. We immediately went to our GP who referred us for a nerve conduction test which showed there was some sort of cervical Radiculopathy. Fast forward after a wait and see approach , these things can heal themselves in a few months, he has increased weakness and muscle wasting and it has started in the other hand . He is 17 now. We have been referred to a specialist neurologist and in the referral letter but mentioned ‘some unusual variant of mnd’ . To say that was a shock is an understatement. Our neurologist, who we hope to move from never discussed this possibility. He did say that in his 14!years of being a neurologist he has never seen this in a teen. He mentioned specifically spinal muscular atrophy but his legs are fine. He has no other symptoms, no pain and no sensory bliss. Does Sma always start in the legs or can it be the hands?
Any thoughts/advice appreciated.
🙏 thank you