Vacations & Travel with SMAA community member recently asked to learn more about how to air travel with SMA. Have you done lots of traveling before as someone with SMA? Does a loved one...Reactions0reactionsComments11 replies
FeaturedThank A Healthcare Professional Discussion BoardDo you have a favorite doctors/specialist? Maybe someone who went above and beyond for you during a hospital stay? Give them a shout out and tell us their story....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesHealthcare Team
FeaturedI'd Like To Thank My Caregiver For _______________What would you say to your caregiver? What is something you're most grateful for when it comes to your relationship with them? Start and join the conversation below....Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesHealthcare Team
Do you know a solution for those health issues?Hey there, life with SMA has never been easy, but since 2 years I´m having severe problems and need your advice... It all started with my first Covid Vaccination (Astra...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSymptomsMental HealthSleep
Food alternativesI am a SMA type 3 person and onset started around age 13. I am currently 38 and ambulatory, though it is annoying and painful when I walk for long...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDiet & Nutrition
How to get up from ground after falling?Ever since I lost my ability to get up from the floor unassisted I am always really cautious while going outside and roaming about because if I fall down I...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAssistive EquipmentTips & AdviceTravel
SMA 3 with handweakness Hello My son started developing a weak grip about 16 months ago . He said when he was lifting weights at rowing training he couldn’t get a grip and his...Reactions0reactionsComments6 replies
SMA & TechnologyDo you have smart technology that you find yourself relying heavily on in your day to day life? Tell our SMA community all about it!...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAssistive Equipment
Getting Creative: Lack of Assistive EquipmentDo you have any recent experiences of having to get creative when there is a lack of assistive equipment, or your circumstances don't allow you to access the equipment that...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAssistive Equipment
A Question For The Community: Comfortable Bed Cushions "My wife has SMA and we are spending a fortune trying to find the right cushion for her to be able to sit. She started getting bedsores about a year...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAssistive EquipmentTips & Advice